Isotoper i nukleærmedisin

GE HealthCare har en lang og innholdsrik historie med radiofarmaka og isotoper innenfor nukleærmedisin, både i SPECT og PET segmentene.


innovative solutions launched in 15 years


patients served every year

3 cGMP

certified molecular imaging production facilities globally


doses delivered worldwide for clinical trials since 2018


Our focus is on precision medicine – an innovative approach to tailoring disease prevention and diagnosis with the best possible treatment pathway. We bring clinically relevant applications to our healthcare professionals and work to improve access to nuclear medicine – transforming patient outcomes.

Fremmer terapeutisk forskning for å forbedre pasienters liv

Våre Pharma Services tilbyr tilgang til GE HealthCares portefølje av sporingsenheter, som kan tilpasses behovene i din kliniske studie. Med våre biomarkører kan du velge de riktige pasientene og overvåke pasientens fremgang over tid, slik at du kan teste hypotesen din mer nøyaktig.

Vi har også bygd opp et globalt nettverk av leverandører og et dedikert inhouse-team, slik at vi kan hjelpe deg med å holde prosjektet ditt på rett spor. Våre mangeårige erfaring innen administrert doselevering betyr at du kan planlegge og kalle inn pasienter på en trygg måte.

Molecular imaging can support the research and development of treatments that can take advantage of the body’s own immune system to help fight cancer.

Our growing understanding of patients' immune responses is aiding the development of PET diagnostic tools for clinical management of immunotherapy patients, to help in identifying patients who are more likely to respond, avoiding unnecessary treatment and reducing adverse events. We develop these tools by collaborating with third parties and leading academic institutions like Vanderbilt University Medical Center in the USA.

We are committed to bringing innovative solutions to patients.

We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with leading academic institutions, biotech and pharmaceutical companies to innovate in molecular imaging across disease areas to enable clinicians to better diagnose, treat and monitor complex diseases and to advance care for patients with unmet needs. For information on business development or partnering opportunities, please contact us below registering your interest about our Pharmaceutical Diagnostics Licensing department.

We use software to analyse complex medical data and relationships between prevention, or treatment techniques, and patient outcomes.

Our quantification software enables visual evaluation and quantification of SPECT and PET images, allowing clinicians to remotely access and review clinical images from virtually any computer system anytime, anywhere in the world.

Also our Edison™ Platform offers integrated artificial intelligence powered technologies, helping you make sound diagnostic decisions, operate at peak efficiency and deliver positive patient outcomes.


GE HealthCare har en legal og etisk plikt til å beskytte folkehelsen ved å sikre sikkerhet og effekt av våre produkter. For å gjøre det samler vi inn rapporter om mistenkte bivirkninger som pasienter opplever ved bruk eller etter eksponering av våre produkter. Vi innhenter også informasjon om spesielle situasjoner (som bruk under graviditet, overdosering etc.), samt klager, reklamasjoner og øvrige kommentarer. For å rapportere en mistenkt bivirkning/hendelse, spesiell situasjon eller for å kommentere – kontakt , Tel: 23 18 79 58

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